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We have no idea what's going to happen with our experimental music, but it's going to be awesome. As a cautionary tale, you should probably only listen to our beautiful un-melodies when you are enlightened. Seriously.


Gravity Potato of the Water Hemisphere, or GPOTWH for short, was started by four really bored guys in class at school. We were all tripping out about the different lessons Burny, our teacher, was talking about. And we're all musicians. One thing led to another, and we got married. Wait, wrong story. We made a band, man. Now we don't pay attention at all in class and focus on writing music. And tripping. Yeah, man/dude/bro.

We're supposed to write more stuff here, but writing is hard. Especially with that really distracting lava lamp. Oooooo, it just globbed up again! Hehehe.


We're gonna send our message of love, peace, and extreme anarchy around wherever we can, provided we don't get kicked out of wherever. Wherever is really hard to get back into.


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